Growing up I always wanted an older brother (not that I'm not thankful for my wonderful older sister)! When Jennifer married Kevin, I finally got my wish! Kevin's been around our family since I was about 12 years old, so needless to say we know each other pretty well. Kevin isn't just a brother-in-law to me....I truly look at him as a brother! Kevin's ALWAYS there whenever I need him. He doesn't ask questions, he just says I'll be there in a minute! No matter if I need to talk, cry, need help when Chris is out of town or help break into my own house (LOL, don't ask)! Kevin and I usually have a pretty good time together, we can always find something to laugh about and be silly! Kevin has always been really protective of me like a real big brother and I couldn't be luckier. Thank you Kevin for always being there and being the big brother I never had...Hope you have a great birthday! :-)
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Happy Birthday Kevin!!
Posted by Julie Madera at 7:45 AM 2 comments
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Happy Memorial Day!!
I want to wish everyone a great Memorial Day!
While everyone is enjoying all the cookouts, the family and the friends, don't forget to pray for our troops overseas and everyone that has given up their own freedom for ours! Chris and I know personally how it feels to be overseas and away from our family and friends at times like this, don't forget how lucky we all are!
The United States is an amazing country...I know I wouldn't want to be anywhere else!
Posted by Julie Madera at 10:50 PM 1 comments
Grillin' & Chillin'
While I cleaned the house most of the day, Chris put together, yet another new toy. We got a new grill! The grill we had was old and not very big. It served our purpose for awhile, but now that we have a house and more space, Chris has been wanting to upgrade.
Here are a few pictures of Chris in action....
Chris getting things marinating for tomorrow's cookout!
A special thank you to mom and dad for the awesome solar powered 'Army Rock' they got us for the flower bed. We love it! :-)
Posted by Julie Madera at 10:29 PM 4 comments
Summer....Time for Concerts!
It was a LONGGGGG day, but thank god the weather was perfect for us. The awesome thing about this concert was you got to enjoy more then just the opening act and the main performer. Their were six performers, which goes back to the long day comment. The concert was from 3:30 in the afternoon till about 11:15 at night...but totally worth every minute!
Enjoy the pictures.....
Tim McGraw....Here I come! :-)
Posted by Julie Madera at 9:50 PM 4 comments
Sunday, May 18, 2008
It was a great day spent with family, what else could you ask for?! :-)
Posted by Julie Madera at 4:44 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Happy Birthday Cassi!!
Cassi and I have been friends for about 4 years now. We met at the mortgage company I use to work at. Once I left, Cassi and I stayed in touch and only became closer friends. Cassi is the greatest friend anyone could ever ask for. If you need her, there are no questions or doubts...she's there! I'm honored to say that Cassi and I have become one of each others best friends. I love her and wish her nothing but the greatest birthday (5/14)!
Cas, I know this past year has been challenging for you, but I have a feeling this year will be your best yet! You know that Chris and especially me, are here for you anytime you need anything. Here's to a great summer of fun filled plans! :-)
Posted by Julie Madera at 6:46 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day!!
I just wanted to wish all the mom's a great day! Especially my mom, I couldn't go one day without her! Mom, you're the greatest! :-)
Anyone that knows me and knows me well, knows how close I am with my mom (actually my whole family). I try to tell them how much I appreciate them as often as I can, but these days sure do remind me of how lucky I am for what I have!
To all the sisters, godmothers, aunts, cousins, step-moms, and grandmas...Hope you all enjoy your day and you get the appreciation you deserve! :-)
Posted by Julie Madera at 4:51 PM 2 comments
Green Thumbs....
Yesterday was a perfect day for yard work and we all took full advantage of that. Since this is our first home and neither one of us have done a lot of planting, mom and dad offered to help us!
I wanted to tackle the front first since that's what people see. We ribbed out 2 trees and a couple more bushes! I love ripping stuff out! :-) We went to the store and picked out some new bushes/flowers. We also had to get new mulch and dirt. The plan was while mom and I were planting things, dad was going to assist Chris with some lighting. They installed a new front porch light along with a new spotlight for the back door/yard. Some other projects came along as the day went on......
Front before any work
Other side of the front before any work
Taking out the old brick border
Chris starting to put our new border down
Our newest plants: the one in the middle and the two in the front
And the other two: the one in the center and the other in the back corner (it's kind of hard to see, it's a barberry bush)
The full view of the front, a defiant improvement! We only have to finish the bricks. Once our new plants grow bigger I'll share how they're coming along!
Chris hanging our new front porch light
Our new spotlight in the back
This was added last week, but I figured I'd show off our new patio set.
Chris and dad tinkering around (hopefully they were discussing what was going to get done next) :-)
Posted by Julie Madera at 4:02 PM 3 comments
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Shop 'til we Drop!
We stopped to get some lunch on the way out because you can't go shopping on an empty stomach! Then we headed to the shops. Isabella got to ride a car, play on the playground and her favorite, watch the geese!
We all found some great deals and enjoyed the afternoon. Thanks Jennifer, Kevin, and Bella for spending the afternoon with me! It sure was fun!! :-)
Posted by Julie Madera at 9:14 PM 3 comments