As most of you knew Roxi had been struggling with a very severe infection. This afternoon, I'm sorry to say that Roxi passed away! :-(
When I got up this morning I just knew something was different. She was worse, breathing harder, and just not as alert as she was. I still went about my day and went to work. After talking to my mom and then the vet later in the morning, I decided it was best for me to go home and check on her. I called the vet and let him know that something wasn't right and I needed to bring her in this afternoon. Our appointment was set for 2pm. By 12:45 I decided to get on the computer and try and do some work from home, I brought Roxi upstairs with me so I could keep an eye on her. By 1:30pm she was gasping for her last breath....literally. I got down on the ground with her, held her in my arms and that's when she looked up at me (as if she was saying thank you for all that you did and that she knew I loved her), she gasped for one more breath and then she was gone. I immediately called my family. I called Chris and told him he needed to come home, I called Jen and she was over here in a minute, and I called my mom, who also shared the tears with me! Jen and I were off to the vet and I said my final farewells.
When I got up this morning I just knew something was different. She was worse, breathing harder, and just not as alert as she was. I still went about my day and went to work. After talking to my mom and then the vet later in the morning, I decided it was best for me to go home and check on her. I called the vet and let him know that something wasn't right and I needed to bring her in this afternoon. Our appointment was set for 2pm. By 12:45 I decided to get on the computer and try and do some work from home, I brought Roxi upstairs with me so I could keep an eye on her. By 1:30pm she was gasping for her last breath....literally. I got down on the ground with her, held her in my arms and that's when she looked up at me (as if she was saying thank you for all that you did and that she knew I loved her), she gasped for one more breath and then she was gone. I immediately called my family. I called Chris and told him he needed to come home, I called Jen and she was over here in a minute, and I called my mom, who also shared the tears with me! Jen and I were off to the vet and I said my final farewells.
Some people may think 10 days is a short amount of time to grow so attached to something. But Roxi and I had a bond from the moment we saw each other in the store. It's like she knew she was sick and thought I seemed like a good person to take care of her. That's exactly what I did. I was up every morning with her, 4:30 to be exact. I would hand feed her (or at least try to get her to eat), I spent countless hours coddling her, took time to take her back and forth to the vet numerous times, and gave her medicine twice everyday. She grew dependent on me and I was determined to make her better. So, yes, I believe that if you truly have the love for anything you don't need time, you need the heart!
Julie--we're very sorry to hear about Roxi---the pictures of her were so cute.....sounds like both you and she both lost a bud.....
My heart hurts to read this message, but the memories you have will help you through this. Ten days is more than enough time to fall in love. I did it in less than ten minutes once, and it lasted me a lifetime. She was so cute, and you are right... she picked you...
OMG- the fload gates of tears have opened here at our house... We're so sorry to hear about Roxi not only being so ill, but having to leave you guys after such a short time together. =( Kaylie wanted to tell you something... "It's okay, my papa is in heaven with Roxi. He'll take good care of her." =)
Oh, no! I am so sorry to hear about poor little Roxi. Bless your heart for taking care of her while she was sick. :(
I'm so sorry Jules. You don't deserve to go through this but I believe everything happens for a reason. You were there for Roxi when she needed someone. You did everything you could and she isn't sick anymore.
I love the comment from Kaylie. That is so sweet.
I'm so sorry Jules. You don't deserve to go through this but I believe everything happens for a reason. You were there for Roxi when she needed someone. You did everything you could and she isn't sick anymore.
I love the comment from Kaylie. That is so sweet.
I know nothing I write will take away your pain or tears. Just know that you can cry with me whenever you need to. Spend some extra time with Zoe - she knows you are hurting. I love you and I love Roxi, too, forever. (I'm glad I was able to be with you.)
Love, Jen
I am so sorry to hear about Roxi. You were such a good mommy and made her last couple weeks enjoyable. You know you can call me anytime you need to! Miss you!
I am so sorry to hear this Julie. I know you still must be so heartbroken. You were just perfect for her though, and you gave her the best. Hang in there!
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