Thursday, March 20, 2008

Another Promotion!!!!

I just wanted to say Congratulations to my wonderful husband! Chris got promoted at work and it became official this week. Chris works in a union shop where everything is done by seniority. He bid on a position and HE GOT IT! :-) Right now Chris is a Lab Tech and loves his job, he has a day shift (which is a hot commodity) and can pretty much come and go as long as his work gets done. But why do most people take a promotion? The money of course! :-) Chris will become a member of the packing department at Zircoa. His schedule will change a little, he will work 12 hour shifts having every 2 days off. This actually was a big decision for us, considering the hours, this will be an adjustment and we'll have to figure out schedules to see each other, but the extra money will be nice.
CONGRATS Bay, I'm so proud of you and you'll do great in your new position! :-)
I love you!
