Saturday, November 3, 2007

It's Been A Year Already!

Last September 27th, Chris and I signed the papers to purchase our first home. It wasn't until October 31st, yes Halloween, that we officially moved in. With Chris and I being so busy all the time, we don't get to work on projects the way we'd like. Not to mention it takes money to do all of those things. We realize things don't have to be perfected in a year or two, so we do things as we have the time and the money to do them.
To date, we've taken the border out of the living room and painted, did the same for the dining room, we painted our bedroom and ripped up the carpet (old and dirty with mammoth flowers wasn't pretty), we've added a nice ceramic entryway in front of our front door in the living room, we've replaced all the blinds, added curtains to the dining room's wall length window, painted the hallway leading upstairs and throughout, painted the living room ceiling and added a new ceiling fan, changed all locks throughout the house, installed a new dishwasher, added a couple new ceiling light fixtures, and still in the middle of refinishing the hardwood baseboards for the living room.
The things we've done aren't too major, but they've kept us busy. We can't wait till we can do more and have things the way we want them. It's nice to do things and then step back and say, 'I did that'. It gives me pride and makes me appreciate things more.
I want to give my mom and dad a special thank you...Chris and I could defiantly have not done a lot of those things without you! Thanks for all your help and I'm sure we'll need you again.

Our home! :-)


The Kramer's said...

Your guys house is so cute!! Sounds like you guys have done quite a lot to it! I always like the projects when you can look at and say "hey we can do it!" And your Halloween pics, HILARIOUS!!

Kristy said...

Congrats! I really love your house... up north houses are the cutest=) It's pretty neat to share such a special date with great cousins. Best of luck with your next year's projects!

Hollyn Patricia Haynes said...

Sounds like you guy's have been really busy.Looks great! Can't wait to visit:)