Friday, November 30, 2007
Girls Only.....
Posted by Julie Madera at 6:52 PM 1 comments
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Busy Weekend!
So while Chris and dad did a few small things, mom and I hit the stores yet again for curtains, hooks, and rods. Thanks mom and dad for my early Christmas present! Once we got home we started on the hallway. We got about half way with the hallway and the curtains and that was about the end of our evening. I, on the other hand stayed up till 12:45 and did some Christmas decorating.
This morning, I got up and started all over again. I finished all of our Christmas decorating (at least inside, outside will be next weekend)! Mom came back over to help me finish the curtains and the hallway. Everything turned out so nice, I'm still getting use to it all. You go a whole year without this stuff, looks kind of weird to me...but I love it. Thank you SO much to both mom and dad once again for lending a hand. I couldn't have done it without you. You guys are the best! :-)
So during my long weekend, I celebrated Thanksgiving, got more Christmas shopping accomplished, decorated our whole house for Christmas, put up curtains in the living room, hung pictures throughout our hallway, cleaned, and did laundry. WHEW, just typing all of that made me tired! :-)
Hope you enjoy the pictures!
P.S. Chris came home today from work with beautiful flowers for me....and he didn't even do anything wrong! :-) It was such a wonderful surprise. Thanks Bay, I love you!
Living Room
Hallway window
Chris helping separate branches
My beautiful flowers!
And now for the finished product.....
Living room
Fireplace-Living room
Dining room
Going up the stairs
From top of stairs
Posted by Julie Madera at 5:29 PM 8 comments
Friday, November 23, 2007
Black Friday!
It all started a couple of years ago. My mom and I decided to go out one year really early, I'm talking 5am! I had SO much fun. I not only got some great deals, but I got to spend 'girl' time with my mom. So, every year since, I like to go out. Well this year, I got mom to come out again!
For me, it all started at about 7am. I decided to hit the mall first. Really I only wanted to go to Old Navy. I'm a frequent shopper of Old Navy and get a lot of coupons from them. So with $85 in coupons, I went shopping. Not only did I find great deals, I also got a few things taken off my Christmas list and even bought myself a few things along the way! Walking out and saving a $118, who can beat that?! I hit a couple more small stops and then it was off to Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart didn't have as many good deals, but I never walk out of Wal-Mart empty handed....a couple more things off my list!
By this time it's about 10am and I'm on my way to pick up mom. Once mom was along for the journey, the real shopping started! Our first stop, Kohl's. HOLY COW, it was a mad house!! The line literally wrapped completely around the store. Both mom and I found some great deals, more gifts and even a present for ourselves. Now it was time to get in that line. From start to finish and waiting in shifts while the other walked around for more deals, we were in line for about 50 minutes!
Off to Target we went. We didn't do so well here, they weren't having a great least not by the time we got there. But mom got a few gifts for people and for once I can say I walked away with spending no money! Our last stop was Bed, Bath & Beyond, where I wanted to get my favorite Mistletoe candle by Yankee and mom got a few more gifts.
By this time it was about 4pm and I was out of gas! :-( I was starving, my back and knee hurt, and I had a splitting headache. Dropped mom off and home I went.
All in all, it was a great 'Black Friday'! Not only did I get more accomplished off my Christmas list, but I got to spend quality time with my mom. That's defiantly....Priceless!
Posted by Julie Madera at 10:15 PM 5 comments
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Today is a day to be thankful. Everyone has different things they are thankful for, but me, my number family! Everybody thinks they have the best family...I know I do! One thing that I love so much about my family is, that we're all so different. There's no where in the world I'd rather be on the holidays, then at my parents house.
While I was helping my mom today get dinner ready, I asked her if she had any candy or chocolate? She said no (which surprised me cause my mom is the biggest chocoholic I know) and my response to her was, "Why, you're the mom, moms are supposed to have this stuff on hand"! All she could do was laugh! But the more I thought about it, the more I thought, that's why I love coming here. Mom always has everything. I just feel so 'at home', at home! :-)
We had a very enjoyable day today. Chris and I went over a little early. While Chris and my dad watched football, mom and I were in the kitchen getting things ready for the feast! Jen, Kevin, and Bella arrived right a 4 o'clock and we all sat down to eat. After dinner we all gathered around and watched Shrek the Third. Very cute I might add!
Here are a few pictures from our day...enjoy!
So even though I'm all grown up and have a house of my own...there's no place like 'home'! Hope everyone had a very Happy and Safe Thanksgiving, from my family to yours!
Posted by Julie Madera at 9:54 PM 4 comments
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Rained Out!
The last few days of last week were pretty good. It's getting colder here, which this time of here in Ohio, you can't expect too much. But why does it always have to get yucky for the weekends?! It's like the weather knows everyone is off work and gos out and lets give them yucky weather! :-(
Anyway, Saturday, Jen, Kevin, Isabella, Mom, Dad, Chris and I were all heading down to Medina to visit the square. They were having a Christmas lighting, Santa, food, and fun. On our way there it was drizzling, we all had umbrellas so it wouldn't be that bad. We had planned to stop for an early dinner at BW 3's and then head down to the square. After dinner, it was raining a lot harder and it had gotten colder. So we decided to try and drive through the square and at least see some of the lights. Lets just say, that didn't work very well! With Christmas being my favorite time of year, I was a little bummed we didn't get to go, but what can you do when it's raining!
So off to Summit Mall we went. With us already being in the area, we decided to just hit the mall and let Bella see Santa there! Seeing Santa wasn't a huge success, but we still had a great time.
In fact, Jennifer, Mom, Bella and I planned to go back on the 30th of this month for a 'girl's day'! Even though we didn't get to do what we set out to do, we all still had a very enjoyable afternoon/evening together.
Posted by Julie Madera at 9:16 AM 3 comments
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Babysitting Bella
Posted by Julie Madera at 8:57 PM 4 comments
Saturday, November 3, 2007
It's Been A Year Already!
To date, we've taken the border out of the living room and painted, did the same for the dining room, we painted our bedroom and ripped up the carpet (old and dirty with mammoth flowers wasn't pretty), we've added a nice ceramic entryway in front of our front door in the living room, we've replaced all the blinds, added curtains to the dining room's wall length window, painted the hallway leading upstairs and throughout, painted the living room ceiling and added a new ceiling fan, changed all locks throughout the house, installed a new dishwasher, added a couple new ceiling light fixtures, and still in the middle of refinishing the hardwood baseboards for the living room.
The things we've done aren't too major, but they've kept us busy. We can't wait till we can do more and have things the way we want them. It's nice to do things and then step back and say, 'I did that'. It gives me pride and makes me appreciate things more.
I want to give my mom and dad a special thank you...Chris and I could defiantly have not done a lot of those things without you! Thanks for all your help and I'm sure we'll need you again.
Our home! :-)
Posted by Julie Madera at 9:19 PM 3 comments
Halloween Bash '07!
Okay, Last Saturday Chris and I went to downtown Kent for their annual Halloween Bash. With our good friends in town, we couldn't miss the fun. Chris and I went as Hillbilly Bride and Groom. Not only were we pretty much 'white trash', but my costume was also pregnant! Krissy was a brick house, while her husband Blake was the brick layer. I know, very cute! Our other good friends, Scott and Jenny, were doctors. Good thing, just in case I went into labor from all the excitement! Another set of our good friends were M&M's. Not only were their costumes hand made, but we thought it was very cute that she was an M&M and her nickname is Peanut! Stephanie, another friend, was a gangster.
Halloween in Kent is always a great time. With Chris and I loving to 'people watch', we love events like this. It's so much fun looking at how creative people get with costumes. All in all, it was a great night. We spent it with great friends and no one got into any trouble!
I'll put quite a few up for your viewing....hope you enjoy them! Don't laugh at us too hard! :-)
Steph and Me
Scott and Jenny
Checking on the Baby!
Me and Krissy
Stephanie, Jenny, Me, and Krissy
Krissy and Blake
Erin and Adam
Me, Erin (Peanut), Chris, Adam
Chris and Blake
Even the cops were having fun! HaHa :-) (Kenny-friend)
It's not easy kissing with teeth like that!
Hope that gave you a good laugh, we sure laughed at ourselves! It's all in good fun and fun is what we had!! :-)
Posted by Julie Madera at 7:04 PM 5 comments