As most of you know, Chris will be deploying after the new year. As the time gets closer and closer, I get sadder and sadder!
Today was my first FRG (Family Readiness Group) meeting. They discussed with us our soldiers upcoming training schedule, pay, medical insurance, and other little odds and ends. I knew this time was coming, but this meeting really made me hit reality. I'm sitting there with other wives, kids, and families around me thinking to myself, 'this is really happening, Chris is really going back to Iraq'. I can't help but think how I'm ever going to get through this next year? When Chris was in Cuba it was the distance that was the hardest, but I knew he was going to be safe. This time I have so many other things to worry about. The distance and not being able to see him for a year, the thought and worry of getting a that dreaded knock on my door, taking care of a house and everything that goes along with it by myself for a year, working a million hours a week, and trying to get through the lonely days and nights! It's really hard to have people understand what you're going through, because unless you're a part of this life style you'll never truly understand how it feels and I would never wish it upon anyone I love.
The next couple of months are going to be very stressful and I won't get to see Chris a whole lot. So we're defiantly going to be making the time we have together count. We have a lot of things to get in order and things to take care of and I'm trying to handle everything one day at a time.
I know the support from my family and close friends will defiantly be needed and that will get me through I'm sure some very tough times ahead. Thank you for listening to me cry on your shoulders, I'm sure it won't be the last!
Please keep myself and especially Chris in your daily thoughts and prayers....we'll need it!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Posted by Julie Madera at 4:23 PM 2 comments
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Birthday with the Family!
Friday I had to get Chris at the airport and Saturday night was the Carousal, so my family decided to do our celebration tonight. We all met at Longhorn (my favorite) for a great dinner and then back to Jennifer and Kevin's for cupcakes and gifts. It's been such a great weekend. Thank you to all my friends, family and my wonderful husband, I love you all! :-)

Our new comforter set from my mom & dad...thanks, it looks great!
Posted by Julie Madera at 9:02 PM 1 comments
The Carousal Dinner Theater!
To celebrate my birthday, Chris took me to the Carousal Dinner Theater Saturday night. Since neither one of us had ever been there, we weren't really sure what to was so exciting! We ate a great dinner right there in the theater and then watched an amazing show of The Wizard of Oz!
It was the best birthday celebration, I have such a terrific husband! We're already talking about going to one of the shows that's scheduled at the end of next year! :-)
Posted by Julie Madera at 8:51 PM 4 comments
Birthday Shout Outs!
As you all know my birthday was Friday! Well, I'm lucky to share my birthday with one of my cousins. Rachel and I were both born on September 19th, an exact year apart. I wanted to wish Rachel a belated birthday as well. Hope you had a great day, I'm glad we were able to spend a few hours on Friday together, it's been too long since we've celebrated with one another! :-)
I also want to wish Rachel's daughter a very happy 1st birthday! On Saturday Kailyn turned ONE! WOW, where does time go? Rachel and her husband Rob, threw a Luau themed party for Kailyn. It was a beautiful day spent with family. For more pictures, I'm sure you can visit Rachel's blog!
Posted by Julie Madera at 8:24 PM 2 comments
Birthday at Work!!

Posted by Julie Madera at 9:34 AM 2 comments
Friday, September 19, 2008
With Chris coming home this evening, today was his last day at school and his final test. Since he's been gone, he's taken 2 tests a week. The way these tests work is, if you fail immediately fail the course and you're sent home. So it's pretty safe to say that Chris has been pretty stressed the last couple of weeks. Passing this class meant a lot to him and I'm VERY proud to say that he did an excellent job. His studying paid off...he graduated with a 88% average overall.
Great job Chris, I'm very proud of you!! Oh, another great piece of news about Chris, he's officially a Staff Sergent (E-6)! Yes, I'm very proud to announce that he's been promoted yet again! Keep up the good work Bay, your unit should be proud, they have an excellent Sergent representing them! :-)

Posted by Julie Madera at 5:20 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
End of Summer....Beginning of Fall?
Last Sunday night, marked one crazy night! Living in Northeast Ohio, we're use to your typical tornadoes, snow storms, and even rain...but winds up to 35-40 mph? That's not very common!
Sunday was your typical summer day. It was very humid from all the rain we had and as the evening was coming it finally started to cool down. By 6pm, the wind gusts came out of no where. It was CRAZY! I had almost all the windows open and the front door, so the wind was really starting to stir up the house. Winds at rapid speeds...make for one paranoid pup! Zoe and I were on the couch while I was enjoying a movie and all of the sudden I heard things hitting the house, the porch, not to mention...that wind! I went outside to investigate and saw things getting destroyed right before my eyes! Trash cans knocked over, trash blowing down the middle of the street, trees, branches, and leaves everywhere. Electrical wires and trees looked as if they were going to blow away!
I took a few pictures of our driveway, deck, and backyard...I know the pictures don't look that bad, but it was a lot worse then you think! I don't know how you all in the south can handle hurricane season. No thanks from can keep that!
Posted by Julie Madera at 6:52 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
School, School, and more School!
Yes, once again...Chris is gone! :-( Chris left Sunday morning out of Cleveland and was on his way to Arkansas. Once there, he's attending a school for ammo and hazard material. Since a possible deployment is in the works, training, training, and more training needs to take place. I guess all this training will pay off, but I just keeping thinking, if my husbands going to be gone for a year...can't I spend some time with him?! It seems like he's always gone! Besides being trained in something that's obviously important, this school also is good towards promotion points for Chris. Yes, he's already working hard at becoming a Staff Sergeant (E-6). I'm very proud of Chris and everything he's accomplished in the last year. Chris will be home the evening of September 19Th (for those of you that know, that's my birthday...I won't see him till 10pm that night)!
Since neither of us get to choose if he goes or not, I'm at least thankful that he's only gone for about a week and a half this time. Things could always be worse!
Posted by Julie Madera at 12:56 PM 2 comments
Monday, September 1, 2008
Happy Labor Day!!
We hope everyone is enjoying their 3-day weekend off of work...this is it until Thanksgiving!
Happy Labor from our family to yours! :-)
Posted by Julie Madera at 2:10 PM 0 comments