As if we don't have enough going on with trying to get Roxi better! In between working all day, running back and forth to the vet every other day and doing our day to day things, we're adding one more stressor to the list.
When I got home yesterday afternoon I turned the heat up so it would be warm when we got back from the vet (our tempature goes down while we're gone during the day). I get home to drop Roxi off and to pick up Chris. We were heading to the pet store to get our reimbursement for our vet bills. As we were walking out, we noticed that the heat never kicked on. Normally we only keep our heat at 68, so we turned it up to 70 thinking when we got home it would be fine. What were we thinking......
We get home and the house is freezing. Immediatly I'm thinking how much is this going to cost, we have to get this fixed tonight due to it only being 5 degrees outside (we defiantly don't want freezing pipes), and having a sick puppy with pnemonia isn't good either. So we start calling 24 hour service places. Then we run into another problem. Because our furnace is older a lot of places don't carry parts for that furnace with them. So now we have to find someone who has parts! By the way it's already going on 8pm!
We finally find someone and we had them come out. He took a look at it and thank GOD all it was, was our ignitor. It was so old and falling apart, I'm surprised we've had heat at all this winter. But all got fixed and the man was very nice. He even gave us a pretty good deal when it came to paying, considering it was after hours!:-)
To update you real quick with Roxi, the vet gave her another shot of antibiotic and said she's a tiny bit better, but not enough. He said her lungs are still pretty congested. She ate a little more last night then she had been, so we were excited about that. Again this morning, she wanted no part of food. So that's our struggle right now, getting a 10 week old puppy to eat! So goes back again tomorrow for another follow up. Keep your fingers crossed that her lungs are better tomorrow!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
When it Rains....It Pours! :-(
Posted by Julie Madera at 8:18 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Roxi's one sick puppy....
So to make a long story short:
Roxi is sick and was sick when we got her (we obviously didn't know). She has a severe case of kennel cough. If it was treated right away she probably would be on a better road to recovery. Instead for what ever reason, she did not receive treatment at the pet store.
I took Roxi to our family vet on Tuesday and he gave her two antibiotics. We go back this evening for round two! She doesn't have much of an appetite, which is worrying everyone. Right now she's living off of chicken broth, which I guess at this point is better then nothing.
I've spoke to the pet store along with their vet and voiced my concerns. They are fully reimbursing us for any cost that is going towards Roxi's illness. I wrote a very strong letter to them yesterday explaining the situation, the ongoing issues I've had dealing with each of them, and the reason we should receive reimbursement.
Chris and I defiantly don't regret getting Roxi, we just wish someone had disclosed this vital information to us or least gave us medicine to administer to her immediately.
Please keep your fingers crossed that our new baby will make a fast and easy recovery! I'll keep you all updated on her progress.
Posted by Julie Madera at 9:26 AM 3 comments
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Our 'New' Baby!
Chris and I had been talking about it for some time now and we'd been looking around. I've always wanted a beagle and that's exactly what we got! She's absolutely beautiful and is about 10 weeks old.
I was pretty nervous to bring her home not knowing how Zoe would react. Zoe's been our only baby for 4 years. She knows she's the princess and that she's spoiled rotten! But knowing how lovable Zoe is, I didn't think it would take her long to adjust. It was really cute to see them sniff and play. Zoe of course has to let her know who's boss and that this is HER house. All in all though, I think they will be the best of friends very soon.
We kept going back and forth with a name for her. We had my parents thinking, Jen and Kevin thinking, even some of our friends. We've come to a decision, her name is........ROXI! :-)
We've already started the 'training' process. So we will defiantly keep you all updated on how Roxi is doing. Here are some pictures from last night (you know I grabbed the camera as soon as I got home)! Enjoy! :-)
"Hope you enjoyed my debut pictures, I'm sure my mommy will post plenty more! Keep a look out for my training updates"! ;-)
Posted by Julie Madera at 1:07 PM 11 comments
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Love is In the Air
Chris and I will be exchanging small gifts this evening and going to a very nice dinner. We're really looking forward to our evening out together!
We hope everyone enjoys their day!!
Love you all :-)
Posted by Julie Madera at 6:45 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Doctor Update
So today was my doctors appointment. In fact this morning at work, I called and bumped my appointment to 11:30, I was feeling worse and couldn't wait to get medicine.
Once I was at the doctor she didn't like the sound of my cough. She gave me a breathing treatment, which is this inhaler type machine that you put in your mouth and just breath normal. What your doing though is inhaling this liquid that turns into a cloud of smoke almost and exhaling it out. In turn it's opening your lungs and clearing a better path for you to breath. That seemed to help for a little bit, but I'm back coughing (not as bad I might add). She also told me that I have a severe sinus infection along with bronchitis! The bad news is she told me that if I wouldn't have come in today, tomorrow I probably would've had the flu! Not good!!
So, done at the doctor I was off to the pharmacist. I got an antibiotic and an decongesant. Hopefully by tomorrow evening I'll start to feel better-just in time for Valentine's Day!
Here's to a good nights sleep!! :-)
Posted by Julie Madera at 2:47 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
And Now It's My Turn....... :-(
I'm normally a pretty healthy person. I take good precautions: I take vitamin C pills everyday, drink plenty of liquids, get plenty of rest, and always wash my hands and use Purell. So, I ask myself....How did I get sick?! :-( Well, I only came up with one answer.....I'M AROUND IT ALL THE TIME!
As most of you know, Jennifer's been sick for some time, Isabella had a cough and runny nose for a few days there, Chris was sick all last week, and work....WOW, let's just say there's more people sick at work then healthy. It defiantly is cold and flu season!
Mine started Sunday. I always know when I'm getting sick because my first symptom is a sore throat. Once that starts, I know I'm done from there! Monday morning I woke up completely stuffed up with a sore throat. During the day at work it only got worse. I came, home took some medicine and was in bed by 7:45pm. Needless to say, I didn't get much sleep. From tossing and turning, coughing, and trying to breath...I don't think Chris or Zoe rested very well either. Sorry guys! :-(
Today was a whole new story, work was dreadful. I told myself I would get done what had to be done and the rest would have to wait. I hate days when I feel like this. My whole body aches, I have a splitting headache, my head feels like a hot air balloon, I'm completely stuffed up (to the point where I have to chew with my mouth open cause I can't breath), and I started to cough more. I did come home early today, I was home and on the couch by 12:45. I didn't get much rest because the minute I lay down, I'm so uncomfortable. But at least I didn't have to think!
I have a doctors appointment tomorrow afternoon and I hoping for some antibiotics. So keep your fingers crossed that by Thursday I may start to feel better!
I'm sure our wonderful Ohio weather doesn't help. Yesterday was a high of 2, yes, you saw it right, 2 degrees! Today has been nothing but snow, rain, and more snow! The roads are horrible and we're suppose to get more tonight!
Did I mention I can't wait for Spring!! :-) Thanks for listening to me complain!
Posted by Julie Madera at 7:04 PM 4 comments
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Girl's Night In!
Last Saturday night, one of my oldest and dearest friends, Peanut (Erin), threw a Passion Party at her house. A lot of you may wonder, what's that? Well, lets just say to remain tasteful, it's a 'grown up' party! :-) LOL, with all humor aside, it was a really good time. It was nice to be with 'just the girls'. We joked a lot about products and had some good laughs. After the 'presentation', we all hung out, ate some pizza, had some drinks, and played Wii.
One thing that I really enjoyed was the fact that one of my good friends from my previous job came down our way to attend the evening with me. She lives about 50 minutes away, so we don't see each other as much as we'd like. It was great seeing you Cassi, we defiantly have to do it again real soon!
Posted by Julie Madera at 11:29 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Happy Fat Tuesday!
Chris and I have been craving wings lately. So what other better day to go out then tonight. We're going to go up to a local bar/grill by our house, get some wings, and have a drink!
Cheers to Mardi Gras!! :-)
Posted by Julie Madera at 5:53 PM 1 comments
Friday, February 1, 2008
Get Well Wishes!
Most of you already knew that my sister, Jennifer, was hospital bound for 10 days. Getting admitted with pnemonia and then finding out she had an unidentified blood virus, along with a nasty cough and fever, she's had a rough week and a half! She got released yesterday afternoon. Instead of going home, she and Isabella will be staying with my mom and dad. With Jennifer still sick and too weak, she will still need plenty of rest.
I'm just glad she's out of the hospital and home! I wish her nothing but a fast recovery and good health to follow.
I love you Jen, you need know where to find me! :-)
Posted by Julie Madera at 7:24 AM 1 comments