Chris and I wish everyone a Happy and Safe Halloween!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Reuniting with the Greatest of Friends!
In the event of their return Krissy's dad, Dave and her step-mom Michele, decided to have some people over for food and drinks. It was a great little get together with great friends. Dave and Michele are awesome people to hang out with, thank you for having us all over!
Along with myself and Chris, my parents also came over, Blake's step-dad Gale, and Blake's aunt and uncle. It was a great time and a lot of laughs. It was awesome to see Krissy and Blake again and I'm already dreading to say good-bye.
Hope you enjoy the pictures of our get together....stay tuned for more of tonight's costume party!
Gale, Krissy, Chris, Me, and Blake
Posted by Julie Madera at 12:45 PM 3 comments
Friday, October 26, 2007
WOOHOO, We Hit 1,000!!!
I started this blog at the end of August for the simple reason of, we're busy people and don't always have the time to catch people up on our lives. Also, for all of mine and Chris's family that resides out of state!
Thank you all for checking up on our daily lives and adventures. I've really got into doing this whole 'blogging' thing and it makes it all worth while knowing the people we love and care about care enough to take the time to read it!
We love reading the comments, so keep 'em coming!
Stay tuned for a busy weekend ahead! ;-)
Posted by Julie Madera at 6:46 AM 4 comments
Sunday, October 21, 2007
A Weekend to Myself
This weekend was Chris's guard weekend, meaning he left Friday and won't be home till later this afternoon. For the most part, I'm not a fan of these weekends away. For the obvious reason....I miss him when he's not here. However, in our time together we've mastered the art of being apart! So when Chris is gone for his weekends, I make the best of my time. I always use the time to clean my house from top to bottom. I can blast the stero and get down and dirty! I also try and get errands done that I don't normally have time to do during the week. I even wait to do things when I know a 'long weekend' is coming up. The bottom line, I always use these weekends to get things done that I know Chris hates to do!
Don't get me wrong though, I really do enjoy the time to myself. I get to watch what I want, when I want, I get to eat whatever I like (there's a lot of things I don't get to eat very often cause Chris doesn't like it), and I can basically just lay around and do things when I want and be in no rush! But by the time Sunday afternoon rolls around, I'm pretty much ready for him to come home.
So right at this point, I've cleaned the entire house, got all the laundry done, mowed the grass, paid bills, and got running around finished. I'm finally relaxing and waiting for the return of my husband!
P.S. For those of you that know that I HATE to cook, I usually always make dinner on these Sunday's and have it waiting for him when he gets home!
Posted by Julie Madera at 3:16 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 19, 2007
Boo at the Zoo
Thursday night, Chris, myself, Jennifer, Kevin, Isabella, and my mom and dad all went to Boo at the Akron Zoo. Boy how that zoo has changed. I hadn't been there in probably 10 years or more and it's really nice! I had a great time with Isabella, watching her get all excited for all her favorite animals and getting treats along the way. To be able to see all the little kids dressed up in their Halloween garb was also a real treat. Aren't little kids so cute?! The zoo is one of Isabella's favorite places. This year Jennifer bought a year pass so they can visit as many times as they like. Because I was always working during the week, I never got to go with them. Thanks Jen for inviting us, we had a really good time.
Here are some pictures from the zoo....hope you enjoy!
Posted by Julie Madera at 10:41 PM 4 comments
A Long Overdue Visit....
This past Tuesday Chris and I met up with my cousin Rachel, her husband Rob and their new baby girl Kailyn for some dinner. We met at TGI Friday's and had a great time. Before you knew it we had been there for about 2 1/2 hours. This dinner was special for a couple reasons. Rachel and I were really close when we were young and growing up, but as we got older we got busy and our lives took different paths. Our visits became nothing more then a few words at family functions. Once Rachel started her blog, we were able to communicate again through email. It's great to be able to catch up and get to know each other again. We also got to meet their new daughter, I might add that I was the first one in the family to meet her! I had a great time admiring her and holding her. She's a fantastic baby, didn't make one peep the whole time we were there!
Chris and I can't wait to get together again. We had such a great time. It's nice to think we're building new relationships and making new friends!
If you would like to check out baby Kailyn you can click on 'Rachel's Blog' over on the right.
Thanks for the great evening and we're looking forward to doing it again real soon!
Posted by Julie Madera at 7:07 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Happy Birthday to my older Sis!
I wanted to wish my sister Jennifer a Happy 29th Birthday! Jennifer's very special to me. Not only is she my sister and ultimately family for life, she's one of my best friends. When Jen and I were younger, we didn't have a whole lot in common and on most occasions were not even on speaking terms (unless we wanted to borrow something from the other)! As the years went on and we grew up, we realized that our sisterhood grew into much more, it blossomed into a beautiful friendship! Jen and I are together most weekends and talk everyday. She's the one I've looked up to my whole life and to have her so close to me is a precious gift that I will never take advantage of. Whenever I have a problem, I know I can go to my older sis, no matter big or small. She may not have the best advice, but she always has something to offer. That's actually one of the greatest things about Jennifer that I love so much, her eagerness to help others. In my eyes, Jen is a saint! She's the most caring, lovable, helpful person you'd ever meet in your entire life. There's nothing to big or small Jen won't do for anyone (I'm still trying to teach her how to say no sometimes to people). Not only has Jen grew into the best sister a girl could have but she's an amazing mom and I know Bella will look up to her just the way I do!
Happy Birthday Jen, you defiantly deserve the best day ever! I love you and I know we'll always remain as close as we are on this day.
To the 'Dorks Incorporated'! :-)
Posted by Julie Madera at 9:03 PM 4 comments
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Our Niagara Weekend Getaway!
We got there about 4:30 Friday afternoon. We checked into our hotel, cleaned up, changed, and hit the town! First we walked down to the Falls, it's so beautiful there! Since we were right there by the casino we wanted to try our luck immediately. Not a whole lot of luck right off the bat, but hey, we had to warm up! So we left and walked to dinner. That was the nice part about where we stayed. We were very local and walked everywhere. It was nice to give my truck a break for a couple of days! Anyway, dinner was wonderful. A little pricey and a lot more fancier then we're used to, but well worth it (especially on our anniversary). After dinner we walked to the other casino, where it seemed we did better with our luck! We stayed there till about 11:30 pm and then headed back to the hotel. We got a good nights sleep for our busy day ahead.
Saturday we awoke by 8am and headed to breakfast. After breakfast we walked back down to the falls to go on the Maid of the Mist (a boat ride that takes you right up close and personal to the falls). Chris absolutely loved that. It's defiantly something you don't always get to do! I might add that you get soaking wet from the mist! After that we headed back into the casino. Really to just walk around and see how many people were there with it only being about 10:30am! Once we came back outside, we noticed that it had rained. Well, it wasn't too long into our walking around that it started to rain. First it was just sprinkling and then it down poured! :-( That's okay, we weren't going to let that ruin our weekend. We went to a little shop and bought ponchos (I know, we should have kept the one's from the Maid of the Mist, but it wasn't suppose to rain until today)! After hoping the rain would stop, we decided to head to some of the other indoor attractions. We did a tour of the Ripley's Believe It Or Not Museum and the Stars Wax Museum. Both I might add were very cool! After those it was still a little gloomy and we were getting a little tired. So we headed back to the hotel to watch some TV and take naps. Needless to say Chris didn't nap, but I sure did! :-) After getting some rest we headed back out. We went over to TGI Friday's for dinner (which I might add is very expensive up there), did some more walking around and even stopped at another attraction. This time we went to the Criminals Hall of Fame Wax Museum. Inside here you find people such as Charles Manson, Bonnie and Clyde, Jeffrey Dahmer, and Ted Bundy. After that we headed back to the casino for some more gambling. We didn't do as well Saturday night as we did Friday. So before we lost everything, we said our good-byes! We headed back into the festivities and again....did some walking. After all this walking, I wanted some ice cream! Chris and I love to 'people watch', so we sat down and I ate my ice cream and we just watched people. Some very funny people there!! :-)
That was pretty much the end of our weekend. We didn't win a lot of money, pretty much broke even (which is okay with me), but we really enjoyed ourselves and are already talking about saving up to do something at the end of Winter. Here are some pictures from our weekend....enjoy! :-)
The Maid of the Mist
Aboard the Maid of the Mist
Sitting next to the tallest man in the world! 8'11" I might add!
Chris as the fattest man alive!
I love Johnny!
Nothing like hanging out with Tom Hanks on a Bench!
Experimenting with the Electric Chair
Outside the Criminal Hall of Fame
Hope you enjoyed looking at a few of our pictures from our getaway!
Posted by Julie Madera at 3:34 PM 6 comments
Friday, October 5, 2007
Happy 3rd Anniversary to Us!
Three years ago today, Chris and I got married by the Justice of the Peace in Colorado Springs! How time flys!! I can't believe we've already been married for 3 years. I can't wait to see what the years ahead of us bring.
To celebrate our Anniversary, Chris and I are leaving for Niagara Falls this afternoon for a long weekend! Not only are we completely excited, but to make this even more special, this will be the first time in three years we've gone somewhere by ourselves! Chris has never been to Niagara Falls and the last time I was there was when I was young and with my parents. We're both really looking forward to this weekend and we know we'll have a great time.
Stay tuned for pictures of our awesome getaway!
Posted by Julie Madera at 10:26 AM 5 comments
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Finally Done!
As you read in a previous post, Chris and my dad (and even me at times) did tile in our entryway this past weekend. Well for those of you that have done tile knows that it's a process. You have to place the tile and do the grout, then you have to let that sit for 24 hours and then clean the tiles, after that you have to wait another 24 hours and then put sealer on (if you choose). So finally after all this waiting, the tile in front of our front door is complete.
I just want to say thanks to my dad for teaching Chris something new and helping us out! We really appreciate it, we love you! :-)
Posted by Julie Madera at 7:46 PM 3 comments