Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!!

I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!! Enjoy the day with family & friends and always remember what you're thankful for!

Happy Thanksgiving

Thursday, November 12, 2009

I'm Still Alive.....

Sorry it's been so long since I've posted. I've been incredibly busy with school, work, studying, and just day to day things! Most everyone that follows my blog is also on can always find updates & pictures on there as well.

With only 5 1/2 months left of school, it's getting very hard & VERY stressful! Most days & weekends, school is my life! All I keep telling myself is it will all be worth it in the end!! I'm still continuing to do well and pass each class to move onto the next month. With having the holiday this month & next, my schedule for school & work has had to be rearranged which is making things even more difficult. But I'll make it through......

I will do my best to continue posting on the blog, but also please check out Facebook for any current updates.

Hope everyone is doing well!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!!

I hope everyone has a Spooktacular Halloween. Be safe & have fun!! Stayed tuned for pictures.....

Happy Halloween

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Jennifer!!

I wanted to wish my big sissy and very Happy Birthday! Not only was I blessed to have an amazing sister, but over the years we've become best friends and I couldn't have asked for anyone better.
I Love You Jen and hope you had a great day!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Weekend Getaway-NC!

This past weekend, I went to North Carolina to visit friends Krissy & Blake. It's been a long overdue visit, we haven't seen each other since March! It was nice to enjoy the weather, see other friends and meet new ones.

Krissy & I

Blake & I

Roxanne & I

Jack & Colton

Krissy & Blake playing cornhole

Krissy & I

Gretchen, me, & Krissy

Roxanne, Colton, Blake, Gretchen, & Krissy

Krissy & Blake's babies-Charlotte & Chloe

Thank you Krissy & Blake for everything....I had a great time!! :)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Birthday with Friends!

After my exciting day of skydiving, I met some friends out at a local sports bar for some dinner & drinks. It was another great birthday spent with wonderful friends! :)

Birthday Girl!!

Me & Michelle

Getting Happy Birthday sang to me!

Stephanie, Me, Laura, & Peanut (Erin)

Latoya (I miss her) & Me

Laura, Theresa, Me, Ashley, Michelle, & Holly

Monday, September 21, 2009

It's a Bird, It's a Plane....It's Julie Skydiving!!

There's always been one thing I've always wanted to do....skydive! One of my good friends' twin brother has really gotten into the sport in the last few months, we got to talking a couple of weeks ago and I said I wanted to go with him. So we planned the trip! So what better time than my birthday. That's exactly what I did to celebrate my 28Th birthday....a perfect way to always remember! It definitely is an experience I will never forget. The feeling is so's something that everyone needs to experience. I had SO much fun, I'm already planning my next jump!

Waiting my turn

All geared up & ready to jump!

My friend Kyle & I....let's go!

Me & Daddy (he's going next time)!!

Taking off....

There I am!!

After a safe landing!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

A little paint goes a LONG way!!

We've lived in our house 3 years this October. Since we moved in our house desperately needed painted. Well, you know how it do things when you have the money! As time went on and all of our lovely Ohio weather kept hitting the house, it was getting worse and worse as the seasons changed. So, last weekend the house FINALLY got painted. I was VERY pleased with the looks completely different and SO much better. It was a mess to watch, but the crew I had here was great! Hope you like our 'new' house as much as I do!!





Before-Front Porch





If it's hard to see, the colors are a lighter brown & a maroon.

It's 1,000% better and I love the way the colors came out!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Happy Labor Day!!

Wanted to wish everyone a great Labor Day, even though this marks the end of summer! Enjoy all the picnics and relaxation with family and friends, but most of all enjoy the day off of work and school! :)

Happy Labor Day!

Monday, August 24, 2009

A Piece of Paradise!

In our backyard we have a big flower bed that we weren't real sure what to do with. It was nothing but overgrown weeds, that seemed to NEVER die. We couldn't plant anything there because it doesn't get much sunlight. So with some brainstorming and a lot of help from my parents, we created a relaxing atmosphere that anyone can enjoy. Not to mention it makes the backyard look SO much better!

Thanks Mom & Dad for all the help....I really enjoy sitting back there! :)

Friday, August 7, 2009

Honor Roll!!

A couple weeks ago, I'm sitting in class when all the sudden the Dean walks in and said she had some awards to pass out. I'm proud to say that my name was the first one called!! For last semester I made the Honor Roll in Nursing school! Considering how crazy my schedule is and everything I have on my plate, I was still able to maintain a 3.51 GPA. :)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy!

I want to wish my dad a very Happy Birthday today!
You're always there whenever I've needed you and I know I can always count on you. Thank you so much for everything you've done for me in the past and everything you continue to do for me. I continue to ask myself what I'd do without you....I know for one thing, I don't ever want to find out! Have a great day dad, you deserve the best of everything!
I love you very much!! :)

Sunday, August 2, 2009


Every Thursday & Friday at school we have lab days. During these days we do hands-on procedures. We've learned how to move a patient in & out of bed, how to give patients a head to toe bath while in bed, how to care for and change colostomy bags, how to administer enemas, how to administer & change IV's (I got blood on my first stick, I'd like to add) and many more. While in lab, I was nominated to be our 'picture taker' to collect for graduation. So I wanted to share some from the last couple of weeks.

My class learning how to change a colostomy bag.

Me administering an enema.

Mrs. Simmons (my lab teacher) going over the enema procedure with us.

Leena changing a colostomy bag.

Mrs. Simmons teaching us again.

Mrs. Simmons helping Michelle look something up.

Kim sleeping....somedays it's hard to stay awake while waiting for your turn!

Mrs. Simmons waking Kim up with a fake was very funny!

On of our manikins....we call him Johnny, some days Charlie, or even Billy Bob!