Memories are a way of holding onto the things you love,the things you are,and the things you never want to lose. Follow along and become a part of my memories...
Posted by Julie Madera at 7:55 PM 2 comments
Today I was at home getting ready to do some things around the house and all of the sudden Zoe started barking at the door (which is out of the ordinary because Zoe doesn't bark at just anything). I go to the window and I see a lady holding something, I go to the door and she hands me....
Yes, Chris sent me a dozen red roses all the way from New Jersey just because he loves me. I've been bummed the last few days, especially with spending Thanksgiving without Chris, this defiantly put a smile on my face!
Posted by Julie Madera at 7:50 PM 4 comments
We wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with family, friends, love, and laughter! I will be going to my parents later this afternoon for dinner with them, Jennifer, Kevin and Isabella.
Please keep Chris in your thoughts and prayers as he's still in training and not being able to spend this holiday with his family.
Posted by Julie Madera at 9:20 AM 2 comments
New fan in the front part of the kitchen
Great job Dad...thanks for all your hard work! I know that fan took a lot out of you, but it looks great. Thanks to mom to for all that she did. I really appreciate the help! :-)
Posted by Julie Madera at 8:01 PM 4 comments
I know I haven't posted anything in awhile...don't worry, I'm still here and doing okay. With Chris being gone, I'm taking one day at a time and staying busy. Between work, running errands and getting things taken care of for the next year, Christmas shopping, and hanging out with my friends...the days go by pretty fast. We've got about 5 weeks to go till Chris comes home, but who's counting?! I've also been without Internet at my house now for about 2 weeks. I have an appointment tomorrow morning for them to come out and hopefully fix the problem.
Stayed tuned for home project pictures...myself, my girlfriend Cassi, and my parents will be doing some things this weekend in our kitchen!
I hope everyone is doing well and staying warm in this lovely Ohio weather we're having.
Posted by Julie Madera at 6:42 AM 1 comments
Yesterday afternoon marked a very emotional day for me and my family. We all attended Chris's Farewell Ceremony for the 135th MP Company. The ceremony was absolutely beautiful. All the soldiers marched in and showed their pride, not only for themselves, but for their families as well. The ceremony consisted of many speakers from all over the state of Ohio, along with his Commander.
As tears ran down my face and my heart and mind full of so many different emotions, I try to stay strong for Chris. In fact, that's one thing I've learned from the Family Readiness Group and his Command is that our soldiers need their families to be stronger then ever right now. I for one know that's defiantly easier said then done!
I'm so proud of Chris and all of his accomplishments and I know he's going to go to Iraq and serve his country proud. My heart fills with such pride when I hear him talk about how he needs to be there for his soldiers, lead them and bring them all home to safety. I've asked him, who's bringing you home safely? His response to me was, having you to come home to and knowing that you're here praying for me!
This morning, I had to yet say good bye to my best friend and be strong for another 6 weeks. But as the tears once again rolled down my face, Chris said to me, Bay...I'll be home for Christmas and don't forget that I love you.
Posted by Julie Madera at 5:39 PM 5 comments
The bottom says: My God is with me wherever I go.
Posted by Julie Madera at 5:22 PM 6 comments
Going through the town, we saw some interesting things....
Posted by Julie Madera at 4:52 PM 3 comments
Voting time is among us yet again!! Are you a Republican or a Democrat?
I for one am ready for a change, I know I'll be at the busy polls tomorrow. Make sure your voice is heard and let your opinion be known....VOTE!
Posted by Julie Madera at 5:29 PM 0 comments