Monday, January 21, 2008


What do you think of tattoos? Some people like them and others hate them. Some people love what they represent and others hate everything about them. I respect that about people, everyone has an opinion. What I don't like is that because people have tattoos, they automatically make a judgement about that person. They are trashy, low-class, unprofessional, whatever the case may be. However, I don't look at myself as any of those things. I have a good job, I dress nice, and most days I'm very professional! It's a shock to most people that I've gone through getting 5 tattoos. I bet some of you didn't know I had that many, did you? I have one on my lower back (which was my first one), then I got one on my left ankle, then one on my upper right shoulder blade. Later down the road, I realized that one was a mistake and got it covered up. My last one was on the top of my right foot (which I might add, I get a lot of compliments on)! So yes, I've gone through the process 5 times, but only have 4 that you can see. Nonetheless, a couple of years ago Chris said he finally wanted a tattoo. He went and got his first tattoo on his right calf. This past Christmas he asked for gift cards to our local shop that we obviously frequent, he was getting the itch to get another one.
So this past Friday, that's exactly what he did. He started off with a dragon on his leg and decided to keep going with the theme. So he got a tribal dragon on his left forearm. I, myself am getting the itch for another. I know what you're thinking....don't you have enough! If you don't have any, you don't understand. They truly are addictive. I already know what I want, it's the matter of finding where I want to put the next piece of art.


The DeWater family said...

Very cool~! That had to hurt though.

The Kramer's said...

I agree they are addicting! And guys can put them anywhere, but not us girls!! :-)
Chris's new tattoo looks good!! Keep us posted as to what your new one is!! :-)

Kristy said...

WoW- They looks great! Bet it took a long time:)
Guess what Chris... I think after seeing how nice a tattoo can be, William decided he wants one like around his arm... thanks!? (j/k)
I always wanted a little flower on my ankle or even a little butterfly on the lower part of my back. Don't know if I could muster up the nerve and strength to actually sit there and not cry like a baby though! =) You two are so brave!

Hollyn Patricia Haynes said...

Chris, Looks Good! I'm in agreement with tattoo's being addictive. I have a couple myself. Very well hidden of course:)


Sue Haynes said...

Although I'm wimpy about getting one for myself, you are right. When they are the right size and in a good place they really are awesome. Unfortunately too often people don't think about where they get them. That can hinder a job opportunity or promotion. Some day I may get one. If so, I hope it turns out as nice as Chris'. I love it!