I think my title pretty much sums up the last couple of weeks for me! I know I haven't posted in awhile, but with the holidays and other stressful things going on, I just haven't had the time.
I would like to add, I'm defiantly ready for the holiday. I'm done shopping and everything is wrapped!
I will be posting this weekend, Krissy and Blake are coming home this weekend and we'll be spending the evening with them and her family tomorrow evening! Also, not only is Christmas next week but the Madera household will have some excitment....stay tuned to find out what it may be!! :-)
13 years ago
Julie~ Hope the weekend brings you some relaxation. It's the best time of year, yet the most stressful. Lots of love=)
Hmmmm....Now I am really wondering!
Just wanted to wish you and Chris a Merry Christmas!!! Hope Santa is good to you both!! :-)
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