So here's what happen, it was a Friday morning around 9:30am and a man from our street was heading down out of our neighborhood and apparently was completely and utterly drunk! The police said he was going about 65 mph on a residential street! He lost control of his SUV and took out two trees from neighbors houses across the street. When I say took them out, I literally mean, uprooted them from the ground and took them out. Next, dragging the trees down the street, swerved, jumped the curb, went over our brick retaining wall and landed in our front yard. My neighbors tell me that if that wall wasn't there, he would've easily taken out our flower bed, front porch, and ended up in our dining room, destroying the entire front of our house!
Needless to say, I'm kind of glad I wasn't here and I missed out on all the excitement...I probably would've gotten arrested myself for assualting the man! Now, I'm dealing with the police, reports, and insurance companies....hopefully it won't be took long till our property gets fixed!