Sunday, August 26, 2007

The past year in a nut shell.......Take1

In October of 2006, Chris and I moved into our first home ! It was a long ordeal, but we were finally glad to have a place to call "home". Year's of renting and moving were becoming a thing of the past. Over the next few months we organized, painted and tended to a few repairs.

October was an important month, not only because we bought our first home, but Chris joined the Ohio National Guard. As many of you know Chris and I met while we were active duty in Colorado. Well Chris's time finally came for him to get out of the Army. Not long went by, 6 months in fact, that he came to me with a very important decision. He missed the military and wanted to look into the national guard. Very quickly it seemed that recruiters were sitting in our living room and it was only days later he was raising his hand to be sworn back into what I thought was in our past!

November was right around the corner and so was me taking on a new job. Most of you know that I fell into the mortgage industry. I was with a mortgage company for about 2 years when the drive and other things started to become an issue. I then found out about a company that was closer in commute and a little better pay. Before I knew it I turned in my 2 weeks and I was off to train in a new position. I started working for Fidelity National Field Services. I'm sure a lot of you are asking yourself, "what's that?" They are the defaulting side of the mortgage industry. Yes, I work for a company that takes people's houses away from them. Sorry guys, but the way I look at is, if you can't pay your mortgage, you shouldn't have a house! All I know, is my mortgage gets paid on the 1st of every month!! But enough of that......the company is in Solon which has cut down on my drive by about 20 minutes, I also got offered more money (which is always a plus). So this November will be a year....I can't believe it.

I'll stop there for now and you'll have to see what 2007 brought us.......


Kristy said...

Yeah- what a nice blog:) Count on my visits to see what new and interesting things you two are up to. Luv ya!!!

Anonymous said...

Go background!!! You are so funny and I'm so glad to have this blog to check so I know what's new with you. I'll be a regular here. Can't wait for the next entry! Miss you guys...
Aunt Sue